Our newly minted service to all our existing and new clients.
We offer services for:
- Informal trust account that is self-managed for the future benefit of your family.
Any income and/or capital gains and/or losses earned in the
in-trust account will be taxed in the trust unless the income
or capital gains are paid or made payable to the beneficiaries.
Income tax in the trust is taxable at the highest
marginal tax rate.
- Formal trust account
How does a formal trust work?
In a formal trust, the trustee oversees all trust account activity
and is responsible for trust tax reporting. The trustee can hold
the assets on behalf of a beneficiary for any period as
stipulated by the settlor.

Whichever trust you or your family or your business partners decide upon Rosenberg Stanmore And Castle is here to assist you in your decision-making process