Rosenberg Stanmore and Castle are a group of dedicated accounting professionals working as independents throughout the North American and European markets, collaborating to provide audits, consulting, financial advice, risk management, tax, and related services to our clients. These members of Rosenberg Stanmore and Castle, a Canadian private company, are limited by guarantee. Each member provides services in particular geographic areas and is subject to the laws and professional regulations of the particular country or countries in which it operates.
Each member is structured by national laws, regulations, compliance practices, and other factors, and may secure the provision of professional services in its territory through subsidiaries, affiliates, and other related entities.
Rosenberg Stanmore and Castle and each of its members are legally separate and independent entities, which cannot obligate each other. Rosenberg Stanmore and Castle and each member are liable only for their acts and omissions, and not those of each other.

As we all know, dealing with funds is becoming more and more electronic and less and less paper-based, transactions are becoming electronic and the form of currency is changing for ease of accounting.
Crypto-currency and Bitcoins are slowly taking over the market, Rosenberg, Stanmore and Castle are poised to assimilate the accounting process under the new IFRS rules.

Rosenberg Stanmore and Castle are committed to assisting you with the difficulties of tax preparation, from personal to corporate and everything in between.
Whether it be your current year to file or disputes or adjustments, Rosenberg Stanmore and Castle is here to help.

Rosenberg Stanmore and Castle have strategically aligned itself to be at the forefront of an inexpensive accounting tool for emerging businesses or businesses that are looking for global positioning for the future